Rabu, 18 Januari 2012

IPB Tutorial: Forum Configuration

The first thing you would like to do after installing the forum is to perform some fine-tuning. We will deal with it in this tutorial section.
In order to start managing your forum, you have to visit the administration panel. The address should be similar to the following one:

How to configure the email functions in IPB?

The first thing you can do is configure the email functions of the board. This can be done from System->Tools & Settings->System Settings->System->Email Set-up.
 E-mail setup
As a mail delivery method you can pick between PhpMail and SMTP. Enter the board's incoming and outgoing e-mail addresses. Also, if you use SMTP enter the SMTP authentication details - e-mail account and the corresponding password.
As SMTP host enter your domain name or the name of the server where your account is hosted. The default SMTP port is 25 so you can leave this value unchanged.
Leave the other details as they are and update the settings.
The configuration should resemble the following:
Email settings

Customize date & time formats in IPB

The server time cannot be changed. However, IPB gives you the option to set time offset. This can be done from System->Tools & Settings->System Settings->Advanced-> Date, Time and Number Formats.
Timezone setup
Select your time zone from the Native Server Time Zone drop-down menu. Then you can fine tune the time through the Server Time Adjustment field.
Also, you can change the date and the time format, pick whether to use daylight saving time and whether to visualize relative dates in your forum posts.

General configuration

In order to adjust the general configuration of your forum navigate to System->Tools & Settings->System Settings->System->General Configuration.
The most important settings here are - Board Name, Website Name, Website Address. They are self-explanatory. You can leave the values of the rest of the settings unchanged. The last settings on the page allow you to turn on the debugging mode for the forum, enable the help documentation in the admin control panel and turn off the default forums navigation.
General configuration
When you are ready click on Update Settings.

User profiles

You can access the User Profiles menu by clicking on the link under your System->Tools & Settings->System Settings->Members tab.
Most of the options are quite self-explanatory.  You can allow users to pick the preferred skin for their forum visualization, define the number of the posts the members must have before allowing their member title change, limit the users' signatures length, select the default editor type for members, allow members to rate each other, enable the automatic subscription to every forum for defined groups and much more.
 User profiles

Change Your Name Invision Power Board

General configuration

In order to adjust the general configuration of your forum navigate to System->Tools & Settings->System Settings->System->General Configuration.
The most important settings here are - Board Name, Website Name, Website Address. They are self-explanatory. You can leave the values of the rest of the settings unchanged. The last settings on the page allow you to turn on the debugging mode for the forum, enable the help documentation in the admin control panel and turn off the default forums navigation.
General configuration
When you are ready click on Update Settings.

IPB Tutorial: Categories and Forums

IPB Tutorial: Categories and Forums

In this section of the tutorial we will provide step by step instructions how to create categories and forums for your IPB installation.
All categories and forums can be managed via the admincp for IPB. Login using your administrator login details then go to the Forums tab.
First we will create a new category. Click the Add New Category button.
Enter the category name and choose the groups that you would like to have access to the category. In this case it is shown how to set the permissions to allow access for everyone but Guests (not registered users) and Banned users.
This means that only users in the selected groups will be able to see Forums under this category.
Once you have set the desired permissions click the Add Category button.
You will now see the newly created category and a notification that there are still no forums under it.
We will proceed with creating a few forums under the newly created category. To do so click the Add New Forum button.
Most of the options on the new page are quite self explanatory. We will address just a few of the options below.
Forum Name and Forum Description - Choose name and description that will give the visitor a good idea what information he could find in the forum.
Forum Parent - Note that you can create the new forum using each of the currently existing Categories and Forums as a parent. This way you can create sub-forum of an existing forum.
Under Redirect Settings you can setup the forum to simply redirect to a new location when it is accessed. This way no threads will be viewable under the forum and it will act as a redirect only. We will not choose this option in this case.
At the bottom of the options page you will see the Permission Matrix. In the screen shot below you will see various permissions set depending on the user roles
Note the following. We have allowed Guests and Banned users to view the forum and read the topics posted in it. However, we have earlier disabled these options for the category under which the forum was created. Thus Guests and Banned users will not be able to access the newly craeted forum after all. They will not see the whole category nor any of the forums under it regardless of the specific forum options.

IPB Tutorial: Upgrade

Prior to attempting an upgrade for your IPBoard make sure that you have performed a full backup. Detailed instructions how to perform a backup for your website you can find in our cPanel Backup Tutorial. It is always important to have a working backup prior to making any changes that could affect your website functionality.
To run the upgrade you need to acquire the new release from the IPBoard official website. Once you have it downloaded to your computer extract the archive locally. You will find a folder named "upload" in the archive. You will need to upload the contents of the upload folder to your IPBoard directory and overwrite the existing content. You can upload the files via an FTP Client.
Note that this will overwrite only the default IPBoard files and should not affect your board functionality. However, if you have made custom changes to any of those files the changes must be re-applied once the upgrade is completed.
Once the files are uploaded you are ready to run the upgrade. To do so simply access /admin/upgrade/index.php for your IPBoard. For example:
This will load the upgrade screen. You will need to login with the administrative details for your online board in order to run the upgrade. Enter the admin login details and click Next.

You will see the System Requirements Overview screen. Click Next again.

On the next screen you will see the Default Applications, the IPS Applications and the Third Party Applications for your online board. In case any needs to be updated you will be able to select them and run the upgrade. The system automatically determines which upgrade modules need to be run and it will automatically rebuild the templates for you.
That is all. The upgrade is now completed.

IPB Tutorial: Security Tips In this section of the tutorial you will find several tips how to improve the security of your Invision Power Board. 1. Do not allow HTML for your board except for user groups that you can fully trust. When creating a forum you can choose not to allow HTML code to be posted in various sections for the board. You can disallow HTML code in all of the areas listed below: To disable HTML in signatures and the about me section for members go to System tab-> System Settings -> Members tab -> User Profiles. To disable HTML in personal messages between users go to System tab -> System Settings -> Members tab -> Personal Message Set-up To disable the HTML in posts for specific user groups go to Members tab -> Manage User Groups -> Edit for the group -> Global tab 2. For the lost password recovery it is best to use the email random password option. This option can be altered via the IPBoard admincp -> System -> System Settings -> System Tab -> Security and Privacy. Note that it is highly advisable to email the new password instead of letting the user enter it manually as it is much less likely that the user account email address is compromised. 3. Setup a limited amount of failed login attempts. If the number is reached the user is locked out of the forum for a set time. This option can be altered via your the IPBoard admincp -> System -> System Settings -> System Tab -> Security and Privacy -> Brute-force Account Locking section. The other two options below allows you to define if blocked accounts will be automatically unlocked and if so after how many minutes. 4. Use secure mail form for member to member communication. This way it will not be possible to get the emails of your board users and use them for spam and other fraudulent activities. You can enable secure form email for member to member communication via IPBoard admincp -> System -> System Settings -> System Tab -> Security and Privacy -> Use secure mail form for member to member mails 5. Remove the admincp link from your board and modify the name of the administrator directory to something else. The link to the admin panel that is by default included on your forum index can be removed. This is highly advisable along with renaming the admincp folder to something else. The option can be altered via IPBoard admincp -> System -> System Settings -> System Tab -> Security and Privacy -> Remove the ACP link from the board 6. It is highly advisable to manually approve new accounts registration as well as leave the option to verify the registration via email. This option might not be suitable for very popular forums that have lots of new user registrations on a daily basis. However, for closed communities it is best if you have all new user registrations manually approved by forum administrators. This way you can prevent spam bots and unauthorized users from posting on your forum with 100% success. The highest possible security is forcing users to first verify the new account registration via the email address they provided upon registering the new account. Once the new account registration is verified via email it is queued for approval via the board administrator. This option can be chosen via IPBoard admincp -> System -> System Settings -> System Tab -> Security and Privacy -> New registration email validation. You might want to take some time and also adjust the options below to your convenience. 7. Force user login before the board is viewed. This way only registered users can view and post on your online board. Note that in this case guests on your online board won't be able to view any of the forums. The option is available at IPBoard admincp -> System -> System Settings -> System Tab -> Security and Privacy -> Force guests to log in before allowing access to the board The alternative is to set specific permissions for each forum and thus allow some general purpose forums to be viewable for Guest users. For example you might want to make news and forum rules viewable for everyone so they can check them prior to registering. To achieve this all you need to do is use the permissions matrix when creating a new forum or category. Do not add permissions for the group that guest users are automatically assigned to. This way none of your forums will be accessible for users that are not registered and logged in except for forums you explicitly add permissions to. It is highly advisable to set only Show Forum and Read Topics permissions in such cases. 8. Do not display the version of IPB you are running. Otherwise it will be much easier to search for possible exploits for the specific version if one is trying to compromise your board. Displaying the IPBoard version can be turned off via IPBoard admincp -> System -> System Settings -> System Tab -> Security and Privacy -> Privacy section -> Display IPB version on your site. There are various options you can manage for your IPBoard. Most of the other features that can be a security issue are set to the highest possible security by default. Bear in mind that you should carefully read and understand what each option does prior to making changes in order to avoid any issues with your online board. Previous Next

In this section of the tutorial you will find several tips how to improve the security of your Invision Power Board.
1. Do not allow HTML for your board except for user groups that you can fully trust. When creating a forum you can choose not to allow HTML code to be posted in various sections for the board. You can disallow HTML code in all of the areas listed below:
To disable HTML in signatures and the about me section for members go to System tab-> System Settings -> Members tab -> User Profiles.

To disable HTML in personal messages between users go to System tab -> System Settings -> Members tab -> Personal Message Set-up

To disable the HTML in posts for specific user groups go to Members tab -> Manage User Groups -> Edit for the group -> Global tab

2. For the lost password recovery it is best to use the email random password option.
This option can be altered via the IPBoard admincp -> System -> System Settings -> System Tab -> Security and Privacy.

Note that it is highly advisable to email the new password instead of letting the user enter it manually as it is much less likely that the user account email address is compromised.
3. Setup a limited amount of failed login attempts. If the number is reached the user is locked out of the forum for a set time.
This option can be altered via your the IPBoard admincp -> System -> System Settings -> System Tab -> Security and Privacy -> Brute-force Account Locking section.

The other two options below allows you to define if blocked accounts will be automatically unlocked and if so after how many minutes.
4. Use secure mail form for member to member communication. This way it will not be possible to get the emails of your board users and use them for spam and other fraudulent activities.
You can enable secure form email for member to member communication via IPBoard admincp -> System -> System Settings -> System Tab -> Security and Privacy -> Use secure mail form for member to member mails

5. Remove the admincp link from your board and modify the name of the administrator directory to something else.
The link to the admin panel that is by default included on your forum index can be removed. This is highly advisable along with renaming the admincp folder to something else. The option can be altered via IPBoard admincp -> System -> System Settings -> System Tab -> Security and Privacy -> Remove the ACP link from the board

6. It is highly advisable to manually approve new accounts registration as well as leave the option to verify the registration via email.
This option might not be suitable for very popular forums that have lots of new user registrations on a daily basis. However, for closed communities it is best if you have all new user registrations manually approved by forum administrators. This way you can prevent spam bots and unauthorized users from posting on your forum with 100% success.
The highest possible security is forcing users to first verify the new account registration via the email address they provided upon registering the new account. Once the new account registration is verified via email it is queued for approval via the board administrator. This option can be chosen via IPBoard admincp -> System -> System Settings -> System Tab -> Security and Privacy -> New registration email validation.

You might want to take some time and also adjust the options below to your convenience.
7. Force user login before the board is viewed. This way only registered users can view and post on your online board. Note that in this case guests on your online board won't be able to view any of the forums. The option is available at IPBoard admincp -> System -> System Settings -> System Tab -> Security and Privacy -> Force guests to log in before allowing access to the board

The alternative is to set specific permissions for each forum and thus allow some general purpose forums to be viewable for Guest users. For example you might want to make news and forum rules viewable for everyone so they can check them prior to registering.
To achieve this all you need to do is use the permissions matrix when creating a new forum or category. Do not add permissions for the group that guest users are automatically assigned to. This way none of your forums will be accessible for users that are not registered and logged in except for forums you explicitly add permissions to. It is highly advisable to set only Show Forum and Read Topics permissions in such cases.

8. Do not display the version of IPB you are running. Otherwise it will be much easier to search for possible exploits for the specific version if one is trying to compromise your board.
Displaying the IPBoard version can be turned off via IPBoard admincp -> System -> System Settings -> System Tab -> Security and Privacy -> Privacy section -> Display IPB version on your site.

There are various options you can manage for your IPBoard. Most of the other features that can be a security issue are set to the highest possible security by default. Bear in mind that you should carefully read and understand what each option does prior to making changes in order to avoid any issues with your online board.

IPB Tutorial: Invision Board Skins

The Look & Feel tab in the admin panel allows you to fully customize your IPB forum. Skins must be chosen depending on your IPB version number. There are plenty of web sites on the Internet that provide free and commercial skins / templates for Invision Power Board forums. To name a few:
Invisionize.com is probably the best place you can search for templates, skins, modules, etc.

The installation of an IPB template requires a few steps.

Step 1: Click on Import New Skin Set and scroll down the page.

The Import section will allow you to import downloaded templates.
For that purpose, you need to de-compress the files to your computer first. The folder with the decompressed files should contain 2 important files with similar names:
They should be uploaded using the respective import form on the page:
Import Skin Templates
Step 2: Import images-ipb_skin_name.xml.gz under Import Image Set section and ipb_skin-listed.xml.gz under Import Skin Set. File names may vary but the point here is to make sure that you are uploading .xml.* files. 
Step 3: After you are done importing the files, click on Skin Tools -> Rebuild Skin Set Cache to rebuild the cache of the new template.
Import Skin Templates
Step 4: Go to Skin Manager and click the button to make it default for your installation.
Managing skin sets
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IPB Tutorial: Emoticons and Avatars in IPB

Emoticons are symbols that use computer characters to convey emotion or tone in an electronic message. IPB gives you the option to pre-define them in the admin control panel:
Emoticon manager
Just select the ones you would like to be used in your forum and click on Update Emoticons.
Inserting emoticons can be done when replying to an existing topic or opening a new one. You can open the smilies panel by clicking on the smiley icon in the WYSIWYG editor. The available smilies panel will appear at the right part of the page:
Show emoticons


In order to manage user avatars you should access your admin cpanel -> System tab -> Tools & Settings/System Settings -> Members tab -> User Profiles.
You will find the various options in the Avatars & Photos section.
Each of the available options is quite self explanatory and it is really easy to adjust the use of avatars according to your needs.
If you need information about other forum software please feel free to check the
phpBB tutorial
vBulletin tutorial
for further reference.
Please, feel free to contact us if you have any questions or recommendations about this tutorial at: tutorials 'at' siteground.com